Office of the Governor, Public service and County Administration

The department is composed of the several sub-sectors which include; Disaster Risk Management and Humanitarian Coordination. Public Service and Labour, Public Participation. Peace Cohesion and Integration. Town Administration and Decentralised Units. Intergovernmental Relations, Governance.  Special Programmes. County Executive – Farhiya Abdille. Chief Officer – Public Service, Labour, social Protection and Executive Office of the Governor-…

Education, Social Welfare and Family Affairs

EDUCATION, SOCIAL WELFARE AND FAMILY AFFAIRS The Department includes the following; Vocational Training, Early Childhood Education, Gender & Women Empowerment, Culture, Social Welfare and Family Affairs, Youth, Sports & Talent. . Sector Goals: Ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development education, care and pre-primary education. Ensure all girls and…

ICT, Trade, Investment and Industry

Department of ICT, Trade, Investment and Industry ICT Department: Goals Harness ICT to drive socio-economic development initiatives, promote inclusivity, and address challenges such as poverty Formulate policies, regulations, and standards to govern the ICT sector, ensuring high-quality services and adherence to best practices. Develop, maintain, and enhance ICT infrastructure to support County Government operations and…

Health Services

HEALTH SERVICES The department comprises of the following; Medical Services, Public Health and Sanitation. Sector Goals: Reduce the maternal mortality ratio to less than 300 per 100,000 live births. Reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1,000 live births. Reduce under-5 mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000…

Agriculture, Livestock and Veterinary Services

AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK AND VETERINARY SERVICES Sub Sector Functions Coordination of Wajir County food systems Ensure agricultural food safety Crop, Livestock and fisheries development and management Plant and animal disease and pest control Animal control and welfare Veterinary services (excluding regulation of the profession) Promotion of Urban Forestry Mission An innovative, commercially-oriented and modern Agriculture and…